Tuesday 4 October 2016

A New Look for the Vivocity Playground

The playground at Vivocity was closed for a period of time for renovations and is now finally opened with a new look! We paid a visit recently to check it out and I have to say, it is roughly similar to what they have before but with some upgrades.

Such as this big grey slide:

Big grey slide in the middle of the playground

In the past, kids would take trays from the neighbouring fast food restaurants and slide down this slope (rather dangerously too if I may add. The management probably thought, "since the kids love it so much, let's put an actual slide there! I think it was a great upgrade as now more than one kid can slide down this slide as compared to a regular slide.

My boy absolutely loves this slide!
Slide from the side view
(as you can see, other than adding the slide and carpeting, the structure looks pretty much the same as before)

The management also tore down the previous water fountains to incorporate a trampoline section for the kids to jump their heart out. Unfortunately, it is too near the water fountains (as seen in the photo below) hence, the trampolines are frequently wet.

A good size playground for kids to run about and expend their boundless energy!

The water fountains have also been changed and now sprays upwards instead of side-ways. The kids loved it though! =)

Having fun with the water fountains
"Oh no, we're wet!!"

Do remember to bring a change of clothes and a towel (if not, the nearest and cheapest place to buy a towel would be Giant).

The added bonus for parents who play Pokemon Go is that Vivocity is a hot-bed for Pokemon catching! I caught one every 2 minutes! There's about 5-6 Pokestops at this playground alone and around 15 Pokestops in the whole of Vivocity (I counted *laughs*). Both you and the kids will have fun, a win-win for everyone =)

It looks like we will keep going back since it is so near our house! =)


This post is part of my MadPsychMum Fun in Singapore Guide to all things exciting for kids! 
Check out other fun playgrounds and attractions in Singapore! =)

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