Wednesday 19 October 2016

My Girl is a Shoe Designer

My artistic BFF and I once took part in a Shoe Art Competition at church and designed two pairs of shoes exactly the same (one for her and one for me).

The pair of shoes we entered for the competition.
We didn't win but I still have the shoes because I love it =)

Since then, I've always liked painting shoes and told myself that when my girl was older, I was going to buy a pair of white kids shoes and get her to design and paint it herself.

I got a pair of white shoes from one of those heartland shops in Toa Payoh for just S$10 and also bought fabric paint from my favourite art store Art Friend.

Different brands of fabric paint

Next, I drew the design on the shoes based on what my girl wanted (she finds it difficult to draw it herself because the surface was not flat; if your child has no issues with that, you can let them draw on it as well).

Once that was done, it was time for my girl to paint them!

Diligently painting her shoes
Making sure that the paint does not go over the lines
Close up of her work
Very pleased with her what she has done so far

It took her about 2 hours (with breaks in between) but she managed to finish painting them. I did some touch-ups for her after (you know, correct mistakes and all) and viola!

The finished pair of shoes

Truth be told, if I had my way, I would probably not have designed her shoes this way. But she was quite clear what she wanted so this design was all her. I'm glad I gave her free reign to be creative and do whatever she liked with it =)

Her very own shoes that she designed herself!

She was so proud of her shoes that she wears them to school everyday to show off to all her friends and teachers!

Try it with your kids and let me know what you think in the comments =)


This post is part of my Mad-Made Art series that documents our artistic creations!

You can also see more on Instagram via the hashtag #madpsychmumart
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