Thursday 24 March 2011

The Day My iPad Died and Went to EpiCentre

So I was given an iPad Wifi 16GB by the hubby for christmas (and we totally should have waited for iPad 2 but it wouldn't have been a christmas present then would it?).

My iPad

I love using my iPad, especially during my breastmilk pumping sessions every morning. And as I was using it to surf the internet one day, I put it to sleep while I went to the toilet and then when I came back, I could not wake it up again. I tried charging it but to no avail. My iPad was officially unconscious and didn't seem like it would wake up anytime soon *argg*

So the hubby and I brought it down to the "Apple Hospital" at Wheelock Place.

It so happen that there wasn't a queue or something and they could attend to us right away. I passed my iPad to them and they checked it and realised that it was unable to be charged. In another words, it died.
The good thing is that they will replace it with a brand new one as the one that died was still on warranty (and was only 3 months old for crying out loud). Unfortunately, all my data will be lost and my screen protector will be gone, which sucks because the damn protector costs S$25. I was really unhappy because I took such good care of it that it didn't even have a scratch on it and yet it still died on me. The people at Apple should have compensated me with a new screen protector since it was their fault in the first place, am I right?! *grr*

Hopefully the revived iPad will work better *cross fingers*
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