
About Me

It all began with the two of us.

In Switzerland for our honeymoon

That's me, Madeline (with the hubby).

I'm a Psychologist, Researcher and Trainer with a passion for children. I graduated with my masters degree after submitting a thesis that examined the quality of life of children with cancer.

In 2004, I met the love of my life in our church and we got married 5 years later in a beautiful matrimony at the heart of Singapore. After many overseas trips together, we decided to move our relationship to a new level.

On 4th July 2010, our first girl (#girleejay) was born.

Our firstborn, the one who made me a mum

This also marked my matriculation into the University of Motherhood, where I will probably not graduate from as long as I am still a mother!

Three years later, on 27th December 2013, our boy (#boyjlee) was born!

Our little boy, the one who made me a mum for the second time 

On 10 February 2019, our littlest girl (#girleejan) was born!

One more girl to add to our family, the princess of the house!

I had never imagined that I would become a mother of THREE kids! Oh, how our lives have been turned upside down!

I started this blog mainly to keep a detailed record of my journey as a mother because:
  1. I have a terrible memory I will always be able to remember the little details by simply referring to this blog
  2. The kids can read about how they have tortured enriched their parents
  3. I would like to share my experiences with others.
My three beautiful babies!

Other than kissing my babies every night before they sleep, I also love pink, theme parks, collecting stuff, painting, decorating, shopping and chocolate! I'm a big fan of Disney, Harry Potter and Lego!

I'm an avid traveller, a hardcore advocate of breastfeeding and a reviewer of more than 100 nursing rooms in Singapore and overseas.

Thank you for popping by! I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog! =)

Please do share your thoughts with me by leaving a comment or emailing me at madsketcha[at]gmail[dot]com.