Monday 26 March 2012

Shenzhen Day 4-5: Final Feastination


We decided to skip dim sum (eat too much already!) and have wanton noodles for brunch instead. Then, it was off to Comic's City where the world of animation awaits!

Bought this teletubby (comes with a free DVD) from this shop for just S$9!

Super happy with her new toy!

Baby girl and my mum-in-law were thrilled at this purchase for totally different reasons. Mum-in-law was just super glad she didn't buy the exact same thing in Singapore for S$19.90 and baby girl, well.. who doesn't like a new toy right? *laughs*

After 3 days of hardcore shopping, you'd think we'll do something else but well.. my mum-in-law and I are actually shopaholics (though we look nothing like it)! Or more like bargain-hunters to be exact! *laughs* The DVDs were so cheap we bought way more than what we need (don't even think we have time to finish watching them)!

Dinner that night was promised by the hubby to be spectacular as it was our last supper and he wanted to "show hand".

Clockwise (from left): Barbeque mushrooms; fresh live prawns with bamboo art at the side hand-drawn by the chef using chocolate (we thought it was part of the design of the plate); beef with bean sprouts
Clockwise (from left): Steamed live fish; Peking duck at just S$12; Crab with beehoon noodles

The mushroom tasted surprisingly better than it looks and I really love the peking duck. The crab is tasty but don't expect it to be as big as the ones we eat in Singapore. Baby girl's favourite are the fresh prawns and mushrooms, which we cut up into many pieces for her to eat.

Feeding herself with the mushrooms and prawns

She's at the stage where she insists on eating on her own and feeding herself. If she can she would use a spoon herself and make a mess of the entire floor but the OCD cleanliness freak in her grandma and me always don't feel comfortable with that. Ah well.

A feast fit for a king! =)

A caution of warning though: don't eat seafood and drink beer together! After finishing a large meal of seafood, the hubby and his brother finished so many bottles of beer ('cos beer was so cheap they over-bought them but didn't want to throw them away) that both fell ill the next day. His brother exhibited symptoms of nausea at breakfast the next day while it took the hubby one more day before he really fell ill.


We woke up bright and early the next morning and had breakfast at 7.30am since we had an early flight that morning.

Girlee has the same unkempt hair in the morning as her daddy

We checked out of the hotel at about 9.30am and the hotel got a cab for us to get to the airport.

Sitting at the lobby counter

We didn't even have one group shot the whole trip so I kinda forced everyone to take one before we left (so happened they had a nice backdrop at the lobby).

Family photo =)

We spent the last of our RMB on some children's book for baby girl at the airport bookstore before we left.

We're leaving on a (jet)plane!

After just 4 days of non-stop feasting like royalty, I think I gained like 10 pounds! I still dare not weigh myself on the weighing scale even though I keep telling myself I have to face the truth sooner or later.. *groans*

Looking forward to our next trip together. In the meantime, time to start my exercise & diet plans!

<< Back to Day 3: Getting Our Just Desserts


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as well as other travel itineraries!

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